German Holidays

Like every other country in the world, Germany has nation-wide holidays. What a surprise! And in order for you to travel around and live in Germany without any unwanted disturbances, we are going to help you keep an eye out for these holidays. But since the university of Tuebingen is located in the state of Baden-Württemberg , we are not going to list the holidays of all German states and are only going to mention the holidays that affect the state of Baden-Württemberg. The holidays in Baden-Württemberg include: Neujahr: ( New Year ) New Year is celebrated on the first of January every year. Unlike most of the other German holidays, this holiday does not have a religious but a secular background. During the Roman Empire in the Year 153 BE the Roman consuls were inaugurated for the first time on the first of January and already started celebrating this inauguration the day before. Weird German things to do are lead-pouring, watching fireworks, getting ...